we’re having a derby baby.

My strange journey into roller derby has already seen many twists and turns. We now can add the biggest: I’m going to be a derby dad.

My lovely and talented girlfriend Amy, aka Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em, came over a week ago today with the most amazing news of my life: We have a future derby girl or ref on the way. I’m still a bit dazed, but very happy.

Since she’s due in October, Amy won’t be able to skate the rest of the season, but already has been invited to bench manage our home opener, March 10 vs. the Kingston Derby Girls’ Skateful Dead squad. You can take the girl out of derby, but it’s not as easy to take the derby out of the girl.

Reaction of the other skaters and the league has been enthusiastic. Very enthusiastic. There may have been squeals. Followed by discussions of a baby shower and other ways to be involved along the way. Our child will enjoy a large group of crazy derby aunts, which is awesome.

Not sure what else I have to say right now except: Wow. The journey gets more and more amazing.

6 responses to “we’re having a derby baby.

  1. That’s so, so awesome, Tim! Huge congrats to both of you.

  2. Tim, this is just so amazing. I am so glad you found derby – it’s truly been life-changing for you, in more way than one. Everybody should be so lucky to have something like that in their lives. (For me, I think, it’s ultimate frisbee.) Congratulations!

  3. Elayne kirkwood

    congrats from your canadian family….lol..

  4. Such amazing news — congratulations to you both! I will leave the speculation on baby derby names to others.

  5. Congratulations!!

  6. Wow! Thanks all! Old friends, new friends … from Canada to Australia, the west coast to the east! I appreciate you coming along for the journey.

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